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buf registry module commit list

List modules commits


$ buf registry module commit list <remote/owner/module[:ref]> [flags]


This command lists commits in a module based on the reference specified. For a commit reference, it lists the commit itself. For a label reference, it lists the current and past commits associated with this label. If no reference is specified, it lists all commits in this module.



Only commits that have changed digests. By default, all commits are listed

--format string

The output format to use. Must be one of [text,json]

-h, --help

help for list

--page-size uint32

The page size

--page-token string

The page token. If more results are available, a "next_page" key is present in the --format=json output


Reverse the results. By default, they are ordered with the newest first

Flags inherited from parent commands


Turn on debug logging

--log-format string

The log format [text,color,json]

--timeout duration

The duration until timing out, setting it to zero means no timeout

Parent Command