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Datadog configuration


Dashboard Description Bufstream dashboard and monitor JSON files for Datadog

Release Notes


Release Date: 2025-01-14

  • Update dashboards to use new fetch and produce request metrics instead of previous errors metrics.


Release Date: 2024-12-19

  • Initial release of Datadog dashboard and monitor for Bufstream.



  • Navigate to Dashboards > New Dashboard.
  • Specify a name for the dashboard (such as "Bufstream").
  • Go to Configure > Import dashboard JSON.
  • Click Yes, Replace to replace the current empty dashboard with the contents of dashboard-overview.json.


  • Navigate to Monitors > New Monitor.
  • Copy and paste the contents of monitor-status.json and click Save.
  • Make any desired customizations to the monitor. For example, add a mention to the notification.


When configuring Datadog for OTLP, we recommend reporting metrics with Delta temporality. In the Bufstream helm values, specify the following to enable Delta temporality:

    otlpTemporalityPreference: "delta"

Additionally, depending on your monitoring needs, you can enable Percentiles for any of the following histogram metrics:

  • bufstream.kafka.produce.delay.duration
  • bufstream.kafka.request.bytes
  • bufstream.kafka.request.latency
  • bufstream.kafka.response.bytes

Enabling percentiles provides p50, p75, p90, p95, and p99 aggregations.

Bufstream overview dashboard

Bufstream Overview Dashboard

The overview dashboard (dashboard-overview.json) provides a Summary group for high-level Bufstream status as well as groups of panels for Bufstream brokers, Kafka Producers/Consumers, Bufstream metrics (including data governance), and etcd metrics. To report etcd metrics, configure the etcd integration.

Top-level label drop-downs allow filtering by the Bufstream cluster, topic, consumer group, host (for Go metrics), and etcd cluster.

Bufstream status monitor

The status monitor (monitor-status.json) warns when any Bufstream broker's status probes report warnings and alerts if any are in error status. This monitor is based on the bufstream.status metric.