Introducing Bufstream: Kafka at 10x lower cost 🎉

Buf Schema Registry (BSR)

The world's only centralized platform for your Protobuf APIs

Distribute, govern, and streamline your Protobuf APIs with the Buf Schema Registry.

Buf schema registry
Dependency Management

A single source of truth for all your APIs

The Buf Schema Registry (BSR) is your organization's source of truth for Protobuf. It ensures each schema exists exactly once and empowers teams to build and share APIs independently and effectively across repositories by establishing ownership and generating searchable documentation for all APIs.

Learn more about sharing schemas
Dependency management
Backward-Compatibility Validation

Eliminate breaking API changes and reduce outages

Engineers can confidently evolve their API schemas by running breaking change detection in CI before pushing them to the BSR. The BSR's API governance workflow prevents backward-incompatible changes from reaching production — unless they've been approved by the right team members.

See how to prevent breaking changes
Backward-compatibility validation
Protobuf-first Data Infrastructure

Make Protobuf work with Kafka

Attach schemas to Kafka topics, ensure backward-compatible schema evolution, and eliminate runtime schema registration errors, all while maintaining compatibility with the Kafka ecosystem. Protobuf will feel as native to Kafka as Avro does.

Explore Buf's Kafka integration
Runtime data validation
SDK Generation

Generate production-ready SDKs in multiple languages

The BSR automatically generates SDKs that are consumable from native Go, NPM, Swift, and Maven registries, eliminating the need to manually generate code and allowing APIs to be consumed as native libraries.

Learn about generated SDKs
Generated SDKs
Source of Truth for Schemas and Docs

Reflection capabilities for all Protobuf APIs

Transform data dynamically and control behavior of your existing systems at runtime using the BSR's reflection API.

Explore the reflection API
Reflection capabilities for all Protobuf APIs

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Our other offerings

Buf CLI — The all-in-one Protobuf toolchain

Generate code, prevent breaking changes, lint Protobuf schemas, enforce best practices, and invoke APIs with the Buf CLI.

Learn about Buf CLI

Connect RPC

Connect is a family of libraries for building browser and gRPC-compatible HTTP APIs.

Explore Connect RPC