
buf format

Format Protobuf files


$ buf format <source> [flags]


By default, the source is the current directory and the formatted content is written to stdout.


Write the current directory's formatted content to stdout:

$ buf format

Most people will want to rewrite the files defined in the current directory in-place with -w:

$ buf format -w

Display a diff between the original and formatted content with -d Write a diff instead of the formatted file:

$ buf format simple/simple.proto -d

$ diff -u simple/simple.proto.orig simple/simple.proto
--- simple/simple.proto.orig	2022-03-24 09:44:10.000000000 -0700
+++ simple/simple.proto	2022-03-24 09:44:10.000000000 -0700
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@

package simple;

message Object {
-    string key = 1;
-   bytes value = 2;
+  string key = 1;
+  bytes value = 2;

Use the --exit-code flag to exit with a non-zero exit code if there is a diff:

$ buf format --exit-code
$ buf format -w --exit-code
$ buf format -d --exit-code

Format a file, directory, or module reference by specifying a source e.g. Write the formatted file to stdout:

$ buf format simple/simple.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package simple;

message Object {
  string key = 1;
  bytes value = 2;

Write the formatted directory to stdout:

$ buf format simple

Write the formatted module reference to stdout:

$ buf format

Write the result to a specified output file or directory with -o e.g.

Write the formatted file to another file:

$ buf format simple/simple.proto -o simple/simple.formatted.proto

Write the formatted directory to another directory, creating it if it doesn't exist:

$ buf format proto -o formatted

This also works with module references:

$ buf format -o formatted

Rewrite the file(s) in-place with -w. e.g.

Rewrite a single file in-place:

$ buf format simple.proto -w

Rewrite an entire directory in-place:

$ buf format proto -w

Write a diff and rewrite the file(s) in-place:

$ buf format simple -d -w

$ diff -u simple/simple.proto.orig simple/simple.proto

The -w and -o flags cannot be used together in a single invocation.


--config string

The buf.yaml file or data to use for configuration

-d, --diff

Display diffs instead of rewriting files

Do not follow symlinks when reading sources or configuration from the local filesystem By default, symlinks are followed in this CLI, but never followed on the Buf Schema Registry

--error-format string

The format for build errors printed to stderr. Must be one of [text,json,msvs,junit,github-actions]

--exclude-path strings

Exclude specific files or directories, e.g. "proto/a/a.proto", "proto/a" If specified multiple times, the union is taken


Exit with a non-zero exit code if files were not already formatted

-h, --help

help for format

-o, --output string

The output location for the formatted files. Must be one of format [dir,protofile]. If omitted, the result is written to stdout

--path strings

Limit to specific files or directories, e.g. "proto/a/a.proto", "proto/a" If specified multiple times, the union is taken

-w, --write

Rewrite files in-place

Flags inherited from parent commands


Turn on debug logging

--log-format string

The log format [text,color,json]

--timeout duration

The duration until timing out, setting it to zero means no timeout

-v, --verbose

Turn on verbose mode

Parent Command

  • buf - The Buf CLI