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bufstream migrate

Migrate Bufstream cluster storage


$ bufstream migrate [flags]


Performs migrations on the underlying Bufstream metadata and data storage implementations


-h, --help

help for migrate

Flags inherited from parent commands

--available-memory uint

Maximum memory available to the process

-c, --config string

Path to config file

--config.actors strings

The actors that are enabled on this agent.

--config.archive.complete_delay_max duration

The maximum time before an archive upload is completed.

--config.archive.concurrent_max int32

The maximum number of topic/partitions to archive at once. When unset (or 0), the default limit is used. When -1, no limit is enforced. When >0, only that many topic/partitions are archived at once per node.


Whether archive fetches should be synchronized to read at the same log append time.


Whether archive creation should try to read/write from the last active zone.

--config.archive.idle_max duration

The duration to wait for more data before completing an archive.

--config.archive.max_bytes int

The maximum size of an archive.

--config.archive.min_bytes int

Determines when to start writing an archive for any topart.

--config.archive.start_delay_max duration

How often to check a topic/partition to start a new archive.


If true, the agent will run migrations for the metadata storage on startup.

--config.available_memory_bytes uint

The maximum amount of memory bufstream should consider usable.

--config.cache.archive_max_bytes int

The maximum number of archive log entry bytes to keep in memory.

--config.cache.fetch_record_max_bytes int

The maximum number of record bytes fetched from recent or shelf messages to keep in memory.

--config.cache.intake_max_bytes int

The maximum number of intake file bytes to keep in memory.

--config.cache.kafka_fetch_eager_max_bytes int

The maximum number of record bytes to keep in memory for eagerly fetched records.

--config.cache.producer_max int32

The maximum number of producers tracked per topic/partition. (May be exceeded due to other constraints.)

--config.cache.shelf_max_bytes int

The maximum number of shelf bytes to keep in memory.

--config.cluster string

The name of the cluster. string

A hostname or IP address to connect to.

--config.connect_address.port uint32

The associated port. If unspecified, refer to the field documentation for default behavior.

--config.connect_http_version string

The HTTP version to use for inter-agent Connect RPCs.


Whether inter-agent Connect clients should be unique for reads and writes. string

A hostname or IP address to connect to.

--config.connect_public_address.port uint32

The associated port. If unspecified, refer to the field documentation for default behavior.

--config.debug.checkpoint_error.read_error_probability float32

--config.debug.checkpoint_error.write_error_probability float32

--config.debug.cluster_error.read_error_probability float32

--config.debug.cluster_error.write_error_probability float32

--config.debug.datastore_error.read_error_probability float32

--config.debug.datastore_error.write_error_probability float32

--config.debug.log_api_requests_regex string

--config.debug.log_api_responses_regex string

--config.disabled_actors strings

The actors that are disabled on this agent.


Whether calls to fetch records should be handled separately by each node or sharded among multiple nodes.


Whether the intake cache should be handled separately by each node or sharded among multiple nodes.


Whether calls to produce records should be handled separately by each node or sharded among multiple nodes.

--config.dispatch.unavailable_retry_count int32

The number of retry attempts to make when an Unavailable error is encountered.

--config.etcd.session_ttl_seconds int32

The amount of time an etcd node can be unreachable before it is considered down.

--config.fetch_sync_group_count int32

The number of 'groups' to cluster fetchers into for synchronization at the same log append time.


If true, the agent will use an in-memory cache for metadata storage.

--config.intake.delay_max duration

The maximum delay to wait before writing an intake file.

--config.intake.delay_max_bytes int

The maximum number of bytes to enqueue before writing an intake file.

--config.intake.file_delete_delay_max duration

How often to scan all intake files to (try to) delete old files.

--config.intake.log_append_time_difference_max duration

The maximum difference between intake write time and log append time.

--config.intake.producer_id_batch_size int32

How many producer IDs a Bufstream process reserves at a time.

--config.intake.recent_msg_min int32

The minimum number of recent messages to keep for each topic/partition.


Whether recent messages should be sequenced actively.

--config.intake.shelf_msg_max int32

The maximum number of recent messages to shelve in at a time.

--config.intake.txn_timeout_default duration

The default timeout for a new transactions.

--config.intake.txn_timeout_max duration

The maximum timeout for all transactions.


Whether intake entries should be streamed when written.

--config.intake.write_stream_chunk_bytes int32

The maximum number of bytes to write in a single intake write stream chunk.


Whether intake entries should be written through the cache. string

A hostname or IP address to connect to.

--config.kafka.address.port uint32

The associated port. If unspecified, refer to the field documentation for default behavior.


If exact log sizes should be fetched when listing sizes for all topics/partitions.


If a fetch should return as soon as any records are available.


If fetches from different readers should be synchronized to improve cache hit rates.

--config.kafka.group_consumer_session_timeout duration

The default group consumer session timeout.

--config.kafka.group_consumer_session_timeout_max duration

The maximum group consumer session timeout.

--config.kafka.group_consumer_session_timeout_min duration

The minimum group consumer session timeout.

--config.kafka.idle_timeout duration

How long a Kafka connection can be idle before being closed by the server.

--config.kafka.num_partitions int32

The default number of partitions to use for a new topic.

--config.kafka.partition_balance_strategy string

How to balance topic/partitions across bufstream nodes.


If records from a producer to different topic/partitions may be sequenced concurrently instead of serially. string

A hostname or IP address to connect to.

--config.kafka.public_address.port uint32

The associated port. If unspecified, refer to the field documentation for default behavior.

--config.kafka.request_buffer_size uint32

The number of kafka request to unmarshal and buffer before processing.

--config.kafka.tls.client_auth string

Declare the policy the server will follow for mutual TLS (mTLS).

--config.kafka.zone_balance_strategy string

How to balancing clients across zones, when client does not specify a zone.

--config.labels stringToString

Labels associated with the Bufstream agent. string

The name of this Bufstream agent. string

A hostname or IP address to connect to.

--config.observability.debug_address.port uint32

The associated port. If unspecified, refer to the field documentation for default behavior.

--config.observability.log_format string

log format, defaults to TEXT when connected to a terminal, otherwise JSON.


If set, include "version=" in log output.

--config.observability.log_level string

log level, defaults to INFO

--config.observability.metrics_exporter string

OpenTelemetry exporter for metrics, defaults to NONE.

--config.observability.trace_exporter string

OpenTelemetry exporter for traces, defaults to NONE.

--config.observability.trace_ratio float

OpenTelemetry trace sample ratio, defaults to 1.

--config.postgres.alloy_db_proxy_icn.bytes bytesBase64

An inline byte blob of the data

--config.postgres.alloy_db_proxy_icn.encoding string

The encoding of the data source value. Defaults to PLAINTEXT.

--config.postgres.alloy_db_proxy_icn.env_var string

An environment variable containing the data.

--config.postgres.alloy_db_proxy_icn.path string

A file path to the data relative to the current working directory. Trailing newlines are stripped from the file contents.

--config.postgres.alloy_db_proxy_icn.string string

An inline string of the data

--config.postgres.cloud_sql_proxy_icn.bytes bytesBase64

An inline byte blob of the data

--config.postgres.cloud_sql_proxy_icn.encoding string

The encoding of the data source value. Defaults to PLAINTEXT.

--config.postgres.cloud_sql_proxy_icn.env_var string

An environment variable containing the data.

--config.postgres.cloud_sql_proxy_icn.path string

A file path to the data relative to the current working directory. Trailing newlines are stripped from the file contents.

--config.postgres.cloud_sql_proxy_icn.string string

An inline string of the data

--config.postgres.dsn.bytes bytesBase64

An inline byte blob of the data

--config.postgres.dsn.encoding string

The encoding of the data source value. Defaults to PLAINTEXT.

--config.postgres.dsn.env_var string

An environment variable containing the data.

--config.postgres.dsn.path string

A file path to the data relative to the current working directory. Trailing newlines are stripped from the file contents.

--config.postgres.dsn.string string

An inline string of the data

--config.record_expiry_delay_max duration

How often to scan all owned partitions to (try to) delete expired records. bytesBase64

An inline byte blob of the data string

The encoding of the data source value. Defaults to PLAINTEXT. string

An environment variable containing the data. string

A file path to the data relative to the current working directory. Trailing newlines are stripped from the file contents. string

An inline string of the data string

The object storage bucket where data is stored. string

Enables data storage debug logging at the specified level. string

The provider's HTTPS endpoint to use instead of the default

Enable path-based routing (instead of subdomains) for buckets. duration

How long before a GET request to the data storage provider is hedged with an additional request. string

The path prefix of objects stored in the data storage. string

The data storage provider. int

Enables hedging of PUT requests to the data storage provider with the specified delay. bucket

The region in which the bucket exists. bytesBase64

An inline byte blob of the data string

The encoding of the data source value. Defaults to PLAINTEXT. string

An environment variable containing the data. string

A file path to the data relative to the current working directory. Trailing newlines are stripped from the file contents. string

An inline string of the data

If writes should use the same clients as reads. string

The location of the agent, e.g., the datacenter/availability zone where the agent is running.

--etcd.address strings

Address(es) of an etcd cluster


Use in-memory storage


Start without Kafka interface

Parent Command