Buf Schema Registry (BSR)



The Buf Schema Repository (BSR) provides generated SDKs for C# in the form of a NuGet repository. You can consume generated SDKs from modules and plugins using dotnet or IDEs like Visual Studio and Rider. It generates SDKs automatically when you push schema changes, which eliminates the need to manage a Protobuf toolchain or generate code locally.


To use Buf's NuGet repository, you must configure it in your NuGet.config file.

You need to configure a token for the registry. Create a token (see the Authentication page for instructions), and then include it in the ClearTextPassword field:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
        <add key="BSR" value="https://buf.build/gen/nuget/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
            <add key="Username" value="{bsr-username}" />
            <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="{token}" />
            <add key="ValidAuthenticationTypes" value="Basic" />
        <packageSource key="nuget.org">
            <package pattern="*" />
        <packageSource key="BSR">
            <package pattern="BSR.*" />

Installing generated SDKs

To install a generated SDK, use dotnet add package and reference the SDK name. For example, to install the connectrpc/eliza Protobuf module using the grpc/csharp plugin, run this command:

$ dotnet add package BSR.Connectrpc.Eliza.Grpc.Csharp

See below for syntax specifics.

Names and versions

The BSR NuGet repository has a special syntax for SDK names:


That is, each component is Title-Cased to follow C# package-naming conventions. For an easy way to find the package name for your module, visit your repository's generated SDK page.

For example, the SDK name BSR.Connectrpc.Eliza.Grpc.Csharp contains code for the connectrpc/eliza module using the grpc/csharp plugin.


To discover SDK versions for the NuGet repository, you can browse a repository's generated SDK page, which has installation instructions and an interactive UI for selecting SDK versions.

Full syntax

The BSR NuGet repository creates slightly different versions for released and unreleased versions, to adhere to NuGet's rules for prerelease versions and handle NuGet's versioning limitations.

Released versions


For example:


That represents:

  • Plugin major: 27
  • Plugin minor: 2
  • Plugin patch: 0 (10001)
  • Plugin revision: 1 (10001)
  • Sequence number: 12
  • Commit short name: 6bcea16e2570

Unreleased versions


For example:


That represents:

  • Plugin major: 27
  • Plugin minor: 2
  • Plugin patch: 0 (10001)
  • Plugin revision: 1 (10001)
  • Commit timestamp: 20240717164601
  • Commit short name: 6bcea16e2570

The BSR supports commits on labels. This feature enables you to push unreleased Protobuf file changes and consume generated code without affecting the default label.

Commits on the default label have released versions, and all other commits have unreleased versions.

Available plugins

For a full list of supported plugins, navigate to the BSR plugins page and search for C#.

To learn more about how these plugins are packaged and distributed, go to the bufbuild/plugins repository. If you find a useful plugin that should be added, please file an issue!