Buf Schema Registry (BSR)



The Buf Schema Repository (BSR) provides generated SDKs for C++ in the form of a CMake library. You can consume generated SDKs from modules and plugins by using the FetchContent command in the CMake scripts of your project. C++ SDKs are generated when requested by your project, which eliminates the need to manage a Protobuf toolchain or generate code locally.

Available plugins

Currently, the BSR supports two plugins for CMake:

To learn more about how these plugins are packaged and distributed, go to the bufbuild/plugins repository. If you find a useful plugin that should be added, please file an issue!


You need to be logged into the BSR from the command line to consume the C++ SDKs. See the authentication docs for local and CI environments.

Using a C++ generated SDK requires configuring CMake scripts in your project to pull the generated libraries from the BSR. The BSR's generated SDKs page for C++ walks you through a series of steps to do so, and they're explained in more detail below.

1. Create FetchContent script

The first step is to create a CMake script that will use the FetchContent command to grab the CMake library from the BSR. For this example, we'll use the googleapis module on the BSR. Your FetchContent snippet would look something like this:

    URL https://buf.build/gen/cmake/googleapis/googleapis/protocolbuffers/cpp/v26.1-8bc2c51e08c4.1

The FetchContent_Declare command accepts a name for the content as its first parameter, which is then passed to FetchContent_MakeAvailable. The BSR chooses a name for you based on the module and plugin in use according to the following scheme:


The URL to fetch the content is also generated based on the module and plugin. It also contains a unique string used to identify the plugin version and commit hash of the module being generated. For example:


The commitHash is the first 12 characters of the complete hash generated for the module commit in the BSR.

The CMake script can live anywhere, but for consistency, we recommend placing it in a file in a cmake/ directory, named with the same name passed to FetchContent. In this example, the code would be saved to a file named cmake/googleapis_googleapis_protocolbuffers_cpp.cmake.

If your build process has issues finding this file, see Troubleshooting.

2. Add the script to your build process

The next step is to invoke this FetchContent script as part of your build process. We recommend using CMake's include command.

In your main CMakeLists.txt file, add the following line:


The value passed to include should be the name of the file you created in step 1.

The final step is to link the downloaded library into your project. To do so, use the CMake command target_link_libraries:


Note that this library name must be what the BSR specifies, not the name of the CMake file from step 1 or the name used with FetchContent. This is because it's named this way in the downloaded content from the BSR.


If you see the following error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:27 (include):
  include could not find requested file:

This means that your build process is unable to find your FetchContent CMake file. Verify that the location of the file is part of your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. For example, if you saved the file in a cmake/ directory, verify that you have something similar to the following in your main CMakeLists.txt file: