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Rules and categories

Buf's breaking change detection is configurable for a wide range of scenarios, offering rules and thoughtful categories that make it easier to enforce exactly the right policy for your team. You can also use custom rules and categories defined in Buf plugins, either alongside or in place of Buf's. See the overview for usage and the buf.yaml reference for configuration options.


Buf's breaking rules fit under four categories—from strictest to most lenient:

  • FILE: Default. Detects changes that move generated code between files, breaking generated source code on a per-file basis. This breaks generated stubs in some languages—for example, it's safe to move code between files in Go but not in Python.
  • PACKAGE: Detects changes that break generated source code changes on a per-package basis. It detects changes that break the generated stubs, but only accounting for package-level changes.
  • WIRE_JSON: Detects changes that break wire (binary) or JSON encoding. Because JSON is ubiquitous, this is the recommended minimum level.
  • WIRE: Detects changes that break wire (binary) encoding.

Unlike lint rules, you shouldn't mix and exclude specific breaking change rules, although the checker allows it. Instead it's best to choose one of the four categories—if there's any doubt, choose FILE. buf breaking is feedback that your changes may break your program or others' programs. You always have the option of being less strict later.

See the rules section below for details about individual rules and what categories they're in.


The FILE and PACKAGE categories protect compatibility in generated code. For example, deleting an enum or message often removes the corresponding type in generated code. Any code that refers to that enum or message then fails to compile.

As an example, imagine that you have an Arena enum and mark ARENA_FOO as deprecated:

enum Arena {
  ARENA_FOO = 1 [deprecated = true];
  ARENA_BAR = 2;

Later you remove the field, because it's no longer supported by the server:

enum Arena {
  ARENA_BAR = 2;

This change is perfectly wire compatible, but all code that referred to ARENA_FOO then fails to compiles:

resp, err := service.Visit(
        Arena: visitv1.Arena_ARENA_FOO, // !!!

In some cases this is desirable, but more commonly you're sharing your .proto files or generated code to clients that you don't control. You should choose FILE or PACKAGE breaking detection if you want to know when you'll break your client's code.

Though these rules are code generator specific, you should use FILE to protect all generated languages. FILE is absolutely necessary for C++ and Python.

You can use PACKAGE to protect languages that are less sensitive to types moving between files within the same package, like Go.


WIRE and WIRE_JSON detect breakage of encoded messages. For example:

  • Changing an optional field into a required one. Old messages that don't have that field encoded fail to read in the new definition.
  • Reserving deleted types for which reuse in the future could cause wire incompatibilities.

WIRE and WIRE_JSON don't check for breakage in generated source code. This is advantageous when:

  • You control all of your clients for your service. You're fixing it if it breaks anyway.
  • You want your client's build to break instead of getting errors at runtime. (This assumes your clients are equally happy to immediately stop what they're doing to fix your service.)
  • All of your clients are in a monorepo. You want to determine who's depending on deprecated features by a broken build instead of at runtime.
  • You're your own client. For example, you're trying to detect issues reading Protobuf encoded messages from older versions of your program that were persisted to disk or other non-volatile storage.

Using WIRE_JSON instead of WIRE is safer because Protobuf's JSON encoding breaks when field names change.

  • Use WIRE_JSON if you're using Connect, gRPC-Gateway, or gRPC JSON.
  • Use the less strict WIRE when you can guarantee that only binary encoded messages are decoded.


The rules are grouped below based on the kind of breaking change they check for: deletions, sameness, and changes to Protobuf file options. Each rule lists the categories that include it.


Category: FILE

This checks that no enums are deleted from a given file. Deleting an enum deletes the corresponding generated type, which could be referenced in source code. Instead of deleting an enum, deprecate it:

enum Foo {
  option deprecated = true;



This checks that an enum doesn't change from supporting the JSON format to "best effort". Enums in proto2 files are best effort (since the JSON format wasn't defined when the proto2 syntax was created). Enums in proto3 files support the JSON format, and enums in Editions files can be configured using the json_format feature.

This typically doesn't impact anything except internal compiler validation. When the JSON format is supported, the compiler does more strict checks to prevent name collisions in the JSON names for fields and enum values. However, it could impact the output of code generation plugins and it does impact how the schema can change in the future, possibly allowing changes to a message or an enum that aren't amenable to using JSON encoding.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that an enum doesn't change from open to closed or vice versa, because whether an enum is open or closed can impact code generation. Enums in proto2 files are closed, which means that unrecognized values result in the field being unset (the actual value is stored with other unrecognized fields). Enums in proto3 files are open, which means that values not defined in the schema are accepted. Enums in Editions files default to open but can be configured using the enum_type feature.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no enum value is deleted. Deleting an enum value results in the corresponding value or field being deleted from the generated source code, which could be referenced. Instead of deleting a value, deprecate it:

enum Foo {
  FOO_ONE = 1 [deprecated = true];


Category: WIRE_JSON

This checks that no enum value is deleted without reserving the name. This is the JSON equivalent of reserving the number—JSON uses field names instead of numbers (optional for enum fields, but allowed). Reserving both the number and the name is preferable in most cases. Here's an example:

enum Foo {
  // We've deleted FOO_ONE = 1
  reserved 1;
  reserved "FOO_ONE";


Note that it's usually better to deprecate enum values than to reserve them in advance.


Categories: WIRE, WIRE_JSON

This checks that no enum value is deleted without reserving the number. Though deleting an enum value isn't directly a wire-breaking change, reusing these numbers in the future is likely to result in bugs. This is also a JSON breaking change for enum values if they're serialized as integers (which is an option). Protobuf provides the ability to reserve numbers to prevent them from being reused in the future. For example:

enum Foo {
  // We've deleted FOO_ONE = 1
  reserved 1;




This checks that a given enum value has the same name for each enum value number. For example You can't change FOO_ONE = 1 to FOO_TWO = 1. Doing so results in potential JSON incompatibilities and broken source code.

Note that for enums with allow_alias set, this verifies that the set of names in the current definition covers the set of names in the previous definition. For example, the new definition // new is compatible with // old, but // old isn't compatible with // new:

// old
enum Foo {
  option allow_alias = 1;
  FOO_BAR = 1;
  FOO_BARR = 1;

// new
enum Foo {
  option allow_alias = 1;
  FOO_BAR = 1;
  FOO_BARR = 1;
  FOO_BARRR = 1;


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no extension range is deleted from any message. Though this won't have any effect on your generated source code, deleting an extension range can result in compile errors for downstream Protobuf schemas, and is generally not recommended.

Note that extension ranges can't be defined in proto3 files, so this only impacts sources that use proto2 syntax or Editions.


Category: FILE

This checks that no extensions are deleted from a given file, identified by their fully qualified name. Deleting an extension deletes the corresponding generated extension type, which could be referenced in source code. Instead of deleting an extension, deprecate it:

extend Foo {
  optional string string_ext = 1001 [deprecated = true];


This is a new rule that can only be used with v2 configuration files.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no message field is deleted. Deleting a message field results in the corresponding value or field being deleted from the generated source code, which could be referenced. Instead of deleting a value, deprecate it:

message Bar {
  string one = 1 [deprecated = true];


Unlike other field checks, this rule doesn't apply to extensions.


Category: WIRE_JSON

This checks that no message field is deleted without reserving the name. This is the JSON equivalent of reserving the number—JSON uses field names instead of numbers. Reserving both the number and the name is preferable in most cases:

message Bar {
  // We've deleted string one = 1
  reserved 1;
  reserved "one";

Note that it's usually better to deprecate message fields than to reserve them in advance.


Unlike other field checks, this rule doesn't apply to extensions.


Categories: WIRE, WIRE_JSON

This checks that message field is deleted without reserving the number. Though deleting a message field isn't directly a wire-breaking change, reusing these numbers in the future is likely to result wire incompatibilities if the type differs. Protobuf provides the ability to reserve numbers to prevent them from being reused in the future. For example:

message Bar {
  // We've deleted string one = 1
  reserved 1;

Note that deprecating a field instead of deleting it has the same effect as reserving the field (as well as reserving the name for JSON).


Unlike other field checks, this rule doesn't apply to extensions.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no field changes its cardinality. The available cardinalities are:

  • optional with implicit presence: This is the cardinality of fields in proto3 files that don't explicitly specify a label (excluding extension fields and fields in a oneof). It can be enabled in an Editions source files by setting the field_presence feature to IMPLICIT.
  • optional with explicit presence: This is the cardinality of optional fields in proto2 files and fields in proto3 files that explicitly use the optional label. It's also the cardinality for all fields in oneofs and all extensions. This is also the default cardinality for optional fields in Editions source files.
  • required: This is the cardinality of fields in proto2 files that use the required label. It also applies to fields in Editions source files that set the field_presence feature to LEGACY_REQUIRED.
  • repeated: This is the cardinality of fields that use the repeated label.
  • map: This is the cardinality of map fields. Under the hood, this is similar to repeated cardinality, except that entries are de-duplicated using the map key.

Though changing an optional field from implicit to explicit presence is typically backwards-compatible, in some runtimes it results in different, incompatible generated code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given string or bytes field uses the same type in generated C++ code. For files with proto2 and proto3 syntax, this comes from the value for the same value for the ctype option. In edition 2023, this can optionally instead be defined using the C++-specific feature (pb.cpp).string_type.

The ctype option is a Google-internal field option, so generally you won't have it set. The new (pb.cpp).string_type feature is intended to be used to migrate generated code to using the more efficient absl::string_view type.



This check is deprecated.

It has been replaced with the FIELD_SAME_CPP_STRING_TYPE check. It isn't a valid rule name when used with v2 configuration files. When using earlier configuration versions, it's treated as an alias for FIELD_SAME_CPP_STRING_TYPE.



This checks that fields have the same default value, if a default is specified. This means using the same value for the "default" label in proto2 or Editions to specify default values for scalar fields.



This checks that the default value for a field doesn't change. In proto3 files, the default value is always the zero value for the type, but in proto2 and in Editions, non-repeated, non-message fields can configure an alternate default value. Changing the default value isn't backwards-compatible since it means that producers and consumers of the schema interpret serialized data differently.


This is a new rule that can only be used with v2 configuration files.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given string field uses the same level of UTF8 verification in generated Java code. With proto3 syntax, string fields are always validated. In proto2 syntax, they aren't validated by default, but you can opt in to validation by using the java_string_check_utf8 file option.

In Editions, this can now be controlled on a per-field level. This allows a proto2 file to be migrated to Editions and then incrementally updated to using runtime UTF8 verification. This is done by setting a per-field feature: (

Note that there is also a global feature for this named simply utf8_validation, which is intended to enable the verification across all languages and runtimes. Also see FIELD_SAME_UTF8_VALIDATION.



This checks that the json_name field option doesn't change, which breaks JSON compatibility. Though it's not usually a generated source code breaking change, some Protobuf plugins may generate code based on this option. Having this as part of the FILE and PACKAGE groups also fulfills that the FILE and PACKAGE categories are supersets of the WIRE_JSON category.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given field has the same value for the jstype option. This affects JavaScript generated code.



This check is deprecated.

It has been replaced with the following checks:

It isn't a valid rule name when used with v2 configuration files.

When using v1 configuration files, it's treated as an alias for all three checks listed previously. When using v1beta1 configuration files, it's treated as an alias for FIELD_SAME_CARDINALITY.



This checks that the field name for a given field number doesn't change. For example, you can't change int64 foo = 1; to int64 bar = 1;. This affects generated source code, but also affects JSON compatibility because JSON uses field names for serialization.



This checks that no field moves into or out of a oneof or changes the oneof it's a part of. Doing so is almost always a generated source code breaking change. Technically there are exceptions with regard to wire compatibility, but the rules are complex enough that it's safer to never change a field's presence inside or outside a given oneof.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a field has the same type. Changing the type of a field can affect the type in the generated source code, wire compatibility, and JSON compatibility. Note that technically, it's possible to interchange some scalar types. However, most of these result in generated source code changes anyway, and affect JSON compatibility. Instead of worrying about this, just don't change your field types.

Note that with maps, you may get slightly confusing error messages when changing a field to or from a map and some other type, denoting that the cardinality of the field changed from repeated to map or the message changed type from message to another type. This is because of the way maps are implemented in Protobuf, where every map is actually just a repeated field of an implicit message. Buf still properly detects this change and outputs an error, so the pass/fail decision remains the same.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given string field uses the same level of UTF8 verification at runtime. With proto2 syntax, string field contents aren't validated at runtime. With proto3 syntax, string fields are always validated. String fields in Editions files default to being validated at runtime, but that can be changed using the utf8_validation feature.


Categories: WIRE

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_CARDINALITY for the WIRE category. The consequences of this rule are:

  • If cardinality changes between "optional with implicit presence" and "optional with explicit presence", the check passes. Field presence doesn't impact the binary wire format.
  • If cardinality changes between repeated and map, the check passes. Map fields are encoded in the binary wire format as a repeated field of messages.


Categories: WIRE

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_TYPE for the WIRE category. The consequences of this rule are:

  • If the type changed between int32, uint32, int64, uint64, and bool, the check passes.
  • If the type changed between sint32 and sint64, the check passes.
  • If the type changed between fixed32 and sfixed32, the check passes.
  • If the type changed between fixed64 and sfixed64, the check passes.
  • If the type changed from string to bytes, the check passes.
  • If the type changed from bytes to string, the check produces an error about string and bytes compatibility. Per the Protobuf docs, you can change between string and bytes IF the data is valid UTF-8, but because we're only concerned with the API definition and can't know how a user actually uses the field, the check fails.
  • If the previous and current types are both enums, Buf checks them to see if (1) the short names are equal, and (2) the previous enum is a subset of the current enum. A subset is defined as having a subset of the name/number enum values. If the previous enum is a subset, the check passes. This covers the case where someone moves where an enum is defined, but still allows values to be added to this enum in the same change, because adding values to an enum isn't a breaking change.
  • A link to is added to failures produced from FIELD_WIRE_COMPATIBLE_TYPE.


Categories: WIRE_JSON

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_CARDINALITY for the WIRE_JSON category. The consequences of this rule are:

  • If cardinality changes between "optional with implicit presence" and "optional with explicit presence", the check passes. Field presence doesn't impact the JSON format.

Unlike FIELD_WIRE_COMPATIBLE_CARDINALITY, the check still fails if a field changes between "repeated" and "map", as one uses JSON arrays and the other uses JSON maps in their JSON formats.


Categories: WIRE_JSON

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_TYPE for the WIRE_JSON category.

JSON allows for some exchanging of types, but due to the way various fields are serialized, the rules are stricter (see the Protocol Buffer docs). For example, int32, sint32, and uint32 can be exchanged, but 64-bit numbers have a different representation in JSON. Since sint32 isn't compatible with int32 or uint32 in WIRE, limit this to allow int32 and uint32 to be exchanged in JSON.

The consequences of this rule are:

  • If the type changes between int32 and uint32, the check passes.
  • If the type changes between int64 and uint64, the check passes.
  • If the type changes between fixed32 and sfixed32, the check passes.
  • If the type changes between fixed64 and sfixed64, the check passes.
  • If the previous and current types are both enums, Buf checks them to see if (1) the short names are equal, and (2) the previous enum is a subset of the current enum. A subset is defined as having a subset of the name/number enum values. If the previous enum is a subset, the check passes. This covers the case where someone moves where an enum is defined, but still allows values to be added to this enum in the same change, because adding values to an enum isn't a breaking change.
  • Links to and are added to failures produced from FIELD_WIRE_JSON_COMPATIBLE_TYPE.


Category: FILE

This checks that no file is deleted. Deleting a file results in its generated header file being deleted as well, which could break source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.



This check is deprecated.

It has been replaced with the FIELD_SAME_JAVA_UTF8_VALIDATION check. It isn't a valid rule name when used with v2 configuration files. When using earlier configuration versions, it's treated as an alias for FIELD_SAME_JAVA_UTF8_VALIDATION.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.



This checks that a given file has the same package value. Changing the package value results in a ton of issues downstream in various languages, and for the FILE category, this effectively results in any types declared within that file being considered deleted.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.



As of v1.32.0 of buf (and v26.0 of Protobuf), there is no longer a php_generic_services file option.

This rule is deprecated and has no replacement.

It isn't a valid rule name when used with v2 configuration files. When using earlier configuration versions, it's effectively ignored.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the value of this file option doesn't change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing this value results in differences in your generated source code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the file syntax doesn't change between proto2, proto3, and Editions. Changing the syntax may result in differences in generated code for some languages.

For many plugins, including the core Google-provided code generators, the syntax doesn't necessarily impact code generation but instead the syntax-specific semantics do. These syntax-specific semantics are also validated in other rules:

So it's often okay to ignore this FILE_SAME_SYNTAX rule and leave the others enabled, which allows you to migrate your sources from proto2 or proto3 to Editions without getting errors from breaking change detection (as long as your migration isn't actually changing semantics).

However, it depends on what code generation plugins are used.


Category: FILE

This checks that no messages are deleted from a given file. Deleting a message deletes the corresponding generated type, which could be referenced in source code. Instead of deleting a message, deprecate it:

message Bar {
  option deprecated = true;


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the no_standard_descriptor_accessor message option isn't changed from false or unset to true. Changing this option to true results in the descriptor() accessor not being generated in certain languages, which is a generated source code breaking change. Protobuf has issues with fields that are named "descriptor", with any capitalization and with any number of underscores before and after "descriptor". Don't name fields this.



This checks that a message doesn't change from supporting the JSON format to "best effort". Messages in proto2 files are best effort (since the JSON format wasn't defined when the proto2 syntax was created). Messages in proto3 files support the JSON format, and messages in Editions files can be configured using the json_format feature.

This typically doesn't impact anything except internal compiler validation: when the JSON format is supported, the compiler does more strict checks to prevent name collisions in the JSON names for fields and enum values. However, it could impact the output of code generation plugins, and it does impact how the schema can change in the future, possibly allowing changes to a message or an enum that aren't amenable to using JSON encoding.



This checks that the message_set_wire_format message option is the same. Since this is a proto1 construct, we congratulate you if you are using this for any current Protobuf schema, as you are a champion of maintaining backwards compatible APIs over many years. Instead of failing breaking change detection, perhaps you should get an award. 🏆



This checks that messages have no added or deleted required fields. Note that required fields are considered strongly deprecated since it's impossible to change or remove a required field in a safe way. All existing required fields should be treated as permanent and immutable.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no oneof is deleted from a message. Various languages generate types for oneofs, which would no longer be present if the oneof is deleted.


Category: PACKAGE

This has the same effect as ENUM_NO_DELETE, except that it verifies that types aren't deleted from a given package, while letting them move between files in the same package.


Category: PACKAGE

This has the same effect as EXTENSION_NO_DELETE, except that it verifies that types aren't deleted from a given package, while letting them move between files in the same package.


This is a new rule that can only be used with v2 configuration files.


Category: PACKAGE

This has the same effect as MESSAGE_NO_DELETE, except that it verifies that types aren't deleted from a given package, while letting them move between files in the same package.


Category: PACKAGE

This checks that every package that existed in your previous version still exists in the current schemas. Deleting a package usually deletes other types that break generated code.


Category: PACKAGE

This has the same effect as SERVICE_NO_DELETE, except that it verifies that types aren't deleted from a given package, while letting them move between files in the same package.



This checks that no reserved number range or reserved name is deleted from any enum. Deleting a reserved value means that future versions of your Protobuf schema could use names or numbers in those ranges, and if the ranges were reserved, it was probably because an enum value was deleted.



This checks that no reserved number range or reserved name is deleted from any message. Deleting a reserved value means that future versions of your Protobuf schema could use names or numbers in those ranges, and if the ranges were reserved, it was probably because a field was deleted.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no RPC is deleted from a service. Doing so isn't a wire-breaking change (although client calls fail if a server doesn't implement a given RPC)—however, existing source code may reference a given RPC. Instead of deleting an RPC, deprecate it.

service BazService {
  rpc Bat(BatRequest) returns (BatResponse) {
    option deprecated = true;



This checks that RPC signatures don't change. Doing so breaks both generated source code and over-the-wire RPC calls.



This checks that the idempotency_level RPC option doesn't change. Doing so can result in different HTTP verbs being used.



This checks that RPC signatures don't change. Doing so breaks both generated source code and over-the-wire RPC calls.



This checks that RPC signatures don't change. Doing so breaks both generated source code and over-the-wire RPC calls.



This checks that RPC signatures don't change. Doing so breaks both generated source code and over-the-wire RPC calls.


Category: FILE

This checks that no services are deleted from a given file. Deleting a service deletes the corresponding generated type, which could be referenced in source code. Instead of deleting a service, deprecate it:

service BazService {
  option deprecated = true;

What we left out

We think the rules above represent a complete view of compatibility with respect to Protobuf schemas. We cover every available field within a FileDescriptorSet as of Protobuf v3.11.4, as well as additional fields as added. If we've missed something, let us know.

We did leave out custom options, though. There's no way for us to know the effects of your custom options, so we can't reliably determine their compatibility.