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Migrate from Prototool

Prototool is a widely used Protobuf tool that has a builder, linter, formatter, breaking change detector, gRPC CLI, and configurable plugin executor.

In this page, we'll discuss the pros and cons of Prototool vs buf's build, lint, and breaking change detection functionality, as well as buf-equivalent commands and migration.

Prototool pros

  • Prototool has a much more prescriptive set of lint rules via the uber2 lint group. This is a much more opinionated set of lint rules than buf's STANDARD category. We feel that the STANDARD category is a set of rules that universally applies to many existing Protobuf schemas.
  • Prototool provides .proto template generation, specific to the uber1 and uber2 lint groups, via prototool create. There is no equivalent functionality in buf and we do not have plans to provide such functionality.

Prototool cons

  • By far the biggest con of Prototool is that it both uses a third-party Protobuf parser that is not tested to cover every edge case of the Protobuf grammar, while additionally shelling out to protoc to verify that files are valid. The third-party Protobuf parser Prototool uses has had issues in the past with breakages, and as this parser doesn't verify that what it is parsing is actually valid Protobuf, Prototool shells out to protoc to verify validity. This means that Prototool is susceptible to both breakages for valid Protobuf files (if the parse fails), as well has having all the drawbacks of shelling out to protoc, especially parsing of protoc output. Prototool attempts to parse stderr from protoc output, which has breaking changes across minor versions of protoc. By default, Prototool downloads protoc for you, which is helpful for many cases, but can cause issues if the download fails, the cache is corrupted, or if the protoc version is not locked. We highly recommend reading our discussion on Protobuf compilation for more details.

    Instead, buf lets you use either the internal compiler that is tested to cover every edge case and only parse valid files, or use protoc output as buf input.

    buf can actually use many types of input, including protoc output, local or remote Git repositories, and local or remote archives. buf never shells out to external commands to perform any of its functionality. buf also has no cache as it doesn't need to cache any external binaries to perform its functionality.

  • Prototool runs file discovery for your Protobuf files, but provides no mechanism to skip file discovery and specify your files manually, outside of running commands for files one at a time, which breaks some lint and breaking change detection functionality. buf enables you to skip file discovery and specify your files manually for use cases that require this, such as Bazel.

  • Prototool's lint functionality lets you select a single group, currently google, uber1, or uber2, and then add and remove rules from that specific group. buf instead provides lint categories that you can mix and match, and lets you exclude entire categories or rules if you want. buf also presents a clear path to add additional rules to new categories in a backwards-compatible manner without touching existing categories.

  • Prototool's breaking change detector cannot be configured as to what rules it runs to verify breaking change detection. buf's rules are fully configurable, including ignores on a per-directory or per-file basis for every breaking rule or category.

  • Breaking change rules are not a binary proposition - there are different kinds of breaking changes that you may care about. buf provides four categories of breaking change rules to select - per-file generated stub breaking changes, per-package generated stub breaking changes, wire breaking changes, and wire + JSON breaking changes. Within these categories, you can go further and enable or disable individual rules through configuration. Prototool effectively only checks per-package generated stub breaking changes.

  • Prototool doesn't cover all possible issues per the FileDescriptorSet definition of what is a breaking change, even for per-package generated stub breaking changes.

  • buf provides file:line:column:message references for breaking change violations, letting you know where a violation occurred, including potentially integrating this into your editor in the future. These reference your current Protobuf schema, including whether types move across files between versions of your Protobuf schema. The error output can be outputted as text or JSON, with other formats coming in the future. Prototool prints out unreferenced messages.

  • Since buf can process FileDescriptorSets as input, buf provides protoc plugins protoc-gen-buf-lint and protoc-gen-buf-breaking to allow you to use buf's lint breaking change detection functionality with your current protoc setup.

Prototool lint groups to buf lint categories

buf has lint categories that are either roughly equivalent or a subset of Prototool lint groups. buf doesn't have linting functionality for some elements such as file option naming. See the "what we left out" documentation for more details.


This Prototool configuration...

  group: google equivalent to this buf configuration:

version: v2

But we recommend using one of the "top-level categories" MINIMAL, BASIC, or STANDARD instead. See the lint rules documentation for more details.

uber1, uber2

The uber1 and uber2 Prototool lint groups are supersets of the STANDARD buf lint category, except you need to set overrides for enum value and service suffixes. That is, buf lint should pass for all Protobuf schemas (except as discussed below) that use uber1 or uber2 with Prototool, given this buf configuration:

version: v2
  enum_zero_value_suffix: _INVALID
  service_suffix: API

The only exception to this is for nested enum values with the uber1 lint group. The uber1 lint group expects the enclosing message name for enums to be part of enum value names. For example, this is a valid nested enum for uber1:

message Foo {
  enum Bar {
    FOO_BAR_ONE = 1;

For the uber2 lint group, and for buf, the enclosing message name should not be part of the enum value prefix. While Prototool's lint rule allows uber1-style prefixes for backwards compatibility, buf expects that the prefix only include the enum name. For example:

message Foo {
  enum Bar {
    BAR_INVALID = 0;
    BAR_ONE = 1;

Protobuf allows multiple enum values with the same name in different nested messages - this doesn't violate the scoping rules.


buf primarily uses a buf.yaml configuration file that should be at the root of the .proto files it defines, whereas Prototool uses the prototool.yaml configuration file. We'll discuss the Prototool configuration sections below.


Corresponds to modules.excludes in buf.


There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't download or shell out to protoc.


There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't have .proto template generation.

Corresponds to lint.use in buf.

buf enables you to specify categories or ids in lint.use, while in Prototool only specifies the single group to use as a base set of rules.


Corresponds to lint.ignore_only in buf.

buf also enables you to ignore all rules for specific directories through lint.ignore.


Corresponds to lint.use and lint.except in buf.

See the lint configuration documentation for more details.


There is no equivalent in buf.


There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't check file options as of now, see our discussion on this for more details.


Corresponds to the inverse of breaking.ignore_unstable_packages in buf.


There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't do package dependency enforcement, although we could add this feature in a more generic fashion through a new buf command in the future if there is a demand for it.


Define your code generation settings in a buf.gen.yaml file as described in the generation documentation.

Equivalent commands

prototool all

There is no equivalent in buf.

The command prototool all runs formatting and linting at once but it doesn't present a straightforward way to extend what the definition of "all" means, for example breaking change detection. Since buf is relatively fast in its various functionality, we feel that it is better to run multiple commands for the functionality you want to perform.

prototool break check --git-branch main

$ buf breaking --against '.git#branch=main'
$ buf breaking --against '.git#tag=v1.0.0'

Prototool's --json flag can be replaced with --error-format=json with buf.

prototool break check --descriptor-set-path lock.binpb

$ buf breaking --against lock.binpb

prototool cache

There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't have a cache, as it doesn't shell out to external commands.

prototool compile

$ buf build

buf handles /dev/null on Mac and Linux, and nul in Windows as a special-case, and even though writing to /dev/null is fast, buf stops short on writing if this is specified.

prototool config init

$ buf beta config init

prototool create

There is no equivalent in buf.

buf doesn't do .proto template generation.

prototool descriptor-set

$ buf build --exclude-imports --exclude-source-info -o -

This writes a binary Buf image to stdout. While images are wire compatible with FileDescriptorSets, you can strip the extra metadata with the --as-file-descriptor-set flag. If you want to write to a file, specify the file path for -o instead of -.

prototool files

$ buf ls-files

prototool format

buf format

prototool generate

$ buf generate

See the generation documentation for more details.

prototool grpc

$ buf curl

See the documentation for invoking RPCs for more details.

prototool lint

$ buf lint

Prototool's --json flag can be replaced with --error-format=json with buf.

prototool lint --list-linters

$ buf config ls-lint-rules

prototool lint --list-all-linters

$ buf config ls-lint-rules --all

prototool version

$ buf --version

prototool x inspect

There is no equivalent in buf.

We recommend using buf build -o -#format=json | jq instead for Protobuf schema inspection. We plan on providing additional tooling for inspection in the future through a different mechanism.


Prototool provides a Docker image with prototool installed. The equivalent Docker image for buf is bufbuild/buf. For example:

$ docker pull bufbuild/buf
$ docker run --volume "$(pwd):/workspace" --workdir "/workspace" bufbuild/buf lint

Note that the buf command is the ENTRYPOINT, so you omit buf from the docker run invocation.