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GitHub App

This feature is only available on the Pro and Enterprise plans.

Though our open source GitHub Actions provide a robust experience for smaller teams, it can become laborious to repeatedly configure these actions if your organization has many repositories.

The Buf GitHub App offers an easy way to seamlessly synchronize source control and your private instance of the Buf Schema Registry (BSR). Once enabled, the app discovers repositories that have buf.yaml files inside and will react to pull requests against those modules with a variety of checks:

  • Breaking: The breaking check performs breaking changes detection between the current branch and the latest BSR commit to main. Breaking changes will be displayed as file annotations on the pull request.

  • Format: The format check displays formatting violations as file annotations on the pull request, and recommends running buf format -w to resolve them.

  • Lint: The lint check performs linting of proto files and displays lint violations as file annotations on the pull request.

  • Push: The push check pushes buf push a branch commit to the BSR and adds a comment to the pull request informing readers about how to consume generated code.

The app also performs a push to the BSR main branch when pull requests are merged in GitHub, tagging the commit with the Git SHA.

Authorizing the app

The app uses the BSR credentials of the developer who has created the pull request, requiring them to sign into the BSR, which they will be prompted to do via a comment:

Hey @example-dev! You're not connected to the Buf Schema Registry (BSR). Please click here to connect.

Configuration file

The GitHub App configures the behaviour of both the lint and breaking checks from the buf.yaml in each module. Each check can be customized further by providing a .github/buf.github.yaml file in the repository.

The buf.github.yaml config file below demonstrates all default values being explicitly set. This file is the equivalent of no buf.github.yaml being present in your repository.

version: v1beta1
    ignore: []
    skip: false
    ignore: []
    skip: false
    ignore: []
    skip: false
  branches: []


Required. Defines the current configuration version. The only accepted value is v1beta1.


The checks key is a map of checks, and the accepted values are format, lint and breaking.

check configuration


The ignore key is a list of file paths within the repository that this check should ignore. If a directory is ignored, then all files and subfolders of the directory will also be ignored. The specified directory or file paths must be relative to the root of the repository.


The skip key is a boolean flag, if true then this check will be skipped entirely and will not run in this repository.

push configuration


The branches key is a list of branch names or GitHub branch selection patterns. For example, both main and releases/* are valid. If empty, the app defaults to the default branch.


You can use the following URL to skip most of the configuration steps (only steps 7 and 10-13 will be needed).


We use example-org and as placeholder values, but they should be substituted with your GitHub organization and private BSR instance, respectively.[]=check_run&events[]=check_suite&events[]=deployment&events[]=deployment_status&events[]=pull_request&events[]=push&checks=write&statuses=write&deployments=write&pull_requests=write&issues=write&contents=read
  1. Navigate to

  2. Set the GitHub App name—we recommend buf

  3. Set the Homepage URL to your private BSR server address, such as

  4. Set the Callback URL to

  5. Under Webhook, check Active.

  6. Set the Webhook URL to

  7. Set the Webhook secret to a random generated value, and store it for later use.

  8. Under Repository Permissions, configure the following:

    • Checks - Read and write
    • Commit statuses - Read and write
    • Contents - Read-only
    • Deployments - Read and write
    • Issues - Read and write
    • Metadata - Read-only
    • Pull requests - Read and write
  9. Subscribe to the following events:

    • Check run
    • Check Suite
    • Deployment
    • Deployment Status
    • Pull Request
    • Push
  10. If your organization is hosted on, then make sure Where can this GitHub App be installed? is set to Only on this account. For private instances, Any Account can be selected.

  11. Click Create GitHub App.

  12. Once the app is created, from the app’s setting page, click on Generate a new client secret and store it for later use.

  13. Click on Generate a private key and store it for later use.

Share the App ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Private Key and Webhook Secret with your Buf representative.