Introducing Bufstream: Kafka at 10x lower cost 🎉


  • We're excited to announce the public beta of Bufstream, a drop-in replacement for Apache Kafka that's 10x less expensive to operate and brings Protobuf-first data governance to the rest of us.
  • We’re excited to announce that the Buf Schema Registry now supports generated SDKs for Rust. Our Rust SDK crates are available natively to the Rust ecosystem using a custom crate registry that’s powered by our zero-dependency remote plugins platform.
  • Connect RPC, Buf’s family of fully protocol-conformant and battle-tested alternatives to Google’s gRPC project, has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. We joined the CNCF to demonstrate our deep commitment to sustainably and responsibly growing Connect as a well-governed and community-led open source project. Today, Connect integrates seamlessly with gRPC systems in production at companies of all sizes, such as CrowdStrike, PlanetScale, RedPanda, Chick-fil-A, BlueSky, and Dropbox.
  • We’ve open sourced Connect RPC’s protocol conformance suite. Connect is a multi-protocol RPC project that includes support for the gRPC and gRPC-Web protocols. Anyone can now use it to validate the correctness of a gRPC implementation. This article explores how the test suite operates and details our findings for a selection of Connect RPC and Google’s gRPC runtimes.
  • The Buf CLI and its associated configuration have been completely overhauled to support monorepos as first-class citizens. Everything we've changed is 100% backwards compatible.
  • We've made it easier to onboard and use the BSR with improved support for monorepos, tighter integration with source control providers, and a new BSR UI that is more polished and has improved accessibility.
  • Most Protobuf users should ignore Editions and continue using proto3. If you become an early adopter, we’ve been working closely with Google to ensure that Buf will support editions as soon as they’re generally available.
  • Kong Insomnia’s 9.0 release includes integrated support for the Buf Schema Registry. Organizations adopting gRPC can now provide developers first-class GUI tools while keeping schema access simple and secure.
  • The BSR is the source of truth for your Protobuf APIs, and is the best way to share schemas across repositories, generate consistent code, and integrate Protobuf with Kafka. This launch helps Enterprise customers simplify how they purchase the Buf Schema Registry.
  • Produce pre-built client libraries in Go, Java, JS, TS, Swift, Kotlin, and Python out of the box for all of your Protobuf APIs with Buf’s generated SDKs. You’ll never have to explain how to use protoc ever again.
  • Python engineers can now download pre-packaged generated code for their Protobuf schemas from the BSR using package management tools like pip, Poetry, and Conda.
  • Why a Protobuf schema registry?
    Nov 20, 2023/5 min read
    Learn why teams across industries and sizes have chosen the Buf Schema Registry as the home for their Protobuf schemas.
  • Fast serialization and small payloads are nice, but schema-driven development is why you’ll adopt Protobuf.
  • Enterprise customers can now use the BSR to audit, approve, and reject commits that introduce breaking changes.
  • The BSR can now enforce type and path uniqueness across all modules.
  • Seamless Gradle integration with the Buf CLI
    Alan Chiu on Aug 9, 2023/2 min read
    The Buf CLI can now integrate seamlessly with your Gradle builds.

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