Ensure best practices

Guarantee consistency and maintainability
for your APIs

Ensure that best practices are followed for all Protobuf APIs across your organization.

Ensure best practices
Protobuf Linting

Lint Protobuf APIs and documentation

Leverage our comprehensive CLI tool to lint and reformat Protobuf schemas and enforce best practices from naming, to casing, to comments and more.

Learn about our linter
Protobuf Linting
CI Integration

Enforce best practices in CI

Integrate with any continuous integration (CI) platform to detect backward-incompatible API changes, ensuring that pull requests never accidentally break production.

Learn about linting in CI
CI Integration
IDE Integrations

View linter feedback in your editor

Maintain a tight feedback loop when writing APIs by installing the Buf extension for your editor of choice, including Vim, VS Code, and JetBrains.

Read about IDE integrations
IDE Integrations
Linter Customization

Customize lint rules for your APIs

Enforce the rules that are best suited to your organization by configuring the linter with a wide variety of available options.

Explore how to customize the linter
Linter Customization

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