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Buf provides official support for the Gradle build tool with the Buf Gradle Plugin, which enables you to:


Gradle setup

To get started, you'll need to add the Buf Gradle plugin:

plugins {
  id("build.buf") version "0.8.4"

Buf project setup

For a basic project or one that uses the protobuf-gradle-plugin, create a buf.yaml configuration file. You can do this in the project directory, or specify the location of buf.yaml by configuring the extension:

buf {
    configFileLocation = rootProject.file("buf.yaml")

Buf Gradle tasks

Once the plugin is set up, you can run the following tasks through Gradle (via ./gradlew or gradle):

  • bufFormatApply: Applies Buf's formatter to Protobuf code.
  • bufFormatCheck: Validates Protobuf code using Buf's formatter.
  • bufLint: Lints Protobuf code.
  • bufBreaking: Checks a Protobuf schema against a previous version for backwards-incompatible changes.
  • bufGenerate: Generates code stubs from your Protobuf schema.

Format checks

bufFormatApply is run manually and has no configuration.

bufFormatCheck is run automatically during the check task if enforceFormat is enabled. It has no other configuration.

buf {
    enforceFormat = true // true by default


bufLint is configured by the buf.yaml file in your project or workspace. It's run automatically during the check task.

Breaking change detection

bufBreaking is more complicated since it requires a previous version of the Protobuf schema to validate the current version. Buf's built-in Git integration isn't quite enough since it requires a buildable Protobuf source set and the plugin's extraction step typically targets the project build directory, which is ephemeral and not committed.

The plugin uses buf build to create an image from the current Protobuf schema and then publishes it as a Maven publication. In subsequent builds of the project, the plugin resolves the previously published schema image and run buf breaking against the current schema with the image as its reference.

Checking against the latest published version

Enable checkSchemaAgainstLatestRelease and the plugin resolves the previously published Maven artifact as its input for validation.

For example, first publish the project with publishSchema enabled:

buf {
    publishSchema = true

Then configure the plugin to check the schema:

buf {
    // continue to publish schema
    publishSchema = true

    checkSchemaAgainstLatestRelease = true

The plugin runs Buf to check the project's current schema:

> Task :bufBreaking FAILED
src/main/proto/buf/service/test/test.proto:9:1:Previously present field "1" with name "test_content" on message "TestMessage" was deleted.

Checking against a static version

If you don't want to dynamically check against the latest published version of your schema, you can specify a version with previousVersion:

buf {
    // continue to publish schema
    publishSchema = true

    // will always check against version 0.1.0
    previousVersion = "0.1.0"

Artifact details

By default, the published image artifact infers its details from an existing Maven publication if one exists. If one doesn't exist, you have more than one, or you'd like to specify the details yourself, you can configure them:

buf {
    publishSchema = true

    imageArtifact {
        groupId =
        artifactId = "custom-artifact-id"
        version = rootProject.version.toString()

Generating code

bufGenerate is configured as described in the Buf docs. Create a buf.gen.yaml in the project root and bufGenerate generates code in the project's build directory at "$buildDir/bufbuild/generated/<out path from buf.gen.yaml>".

An example for Java code generation using the remote plugin:

Example buf.gen.yaml
version: v2
  - remote:
    out: java

To use generated code in your build, you must add the generated code as a source directory and configure a task dependency to ensure code is generated before compilation:

import build.buf.gradle.BUF_GENERATED_DIR

plugins {
    id("build.buf") version "<version>"

// Add a task dependency for compilation
tasks.named("compileJava").configure { dependsOn("bufGenerate") }

// Add the generated code to the main source set
sourceSets["main"].java { srcDir("$buildDir/$BUF_GENERATED_DIR/java") }

// Configure dependencies for protobuf-java:
repositories { mavenCentral() }

dependencies {
    implementation("<protobuf version>")

Generating dependencies

If you'd like to generate code for your dependencies, configure the bufGenerate task:

buf {
    generate {
        includeImports = true

Ensure you have an up-to-date buf.lock file generated by buf dep update or this generation fails.

Further configuration

By default, bufGenerate reads the buf.gen.yaml template file from the project root directory. You can override the location of the template file:

buf {
    generate {
        templateFileLocation = rootProject.file("subdir/buf.gen.yaml")

Specifying the Buf version

You can configure the version of Buf used by setting the toolVersion property on the plugin:

buf {
    toolVersion = "<version>"