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User lifecycle

This feature is only available on the Pro and Enterprise plans.

For private BSR instances, users are managed by your Identity Provider (IdP). This page describes various aspects of the lifecycle of SSO-managed BSR users.

Provisioning new users

Users are provisioned Just In Time (JIT) on first login. Buf usernames are derived from the left portion of the email address before the @. To ensure the username works across the Buf ecosystem, all invalid characters are replaced with a dash (-).

The username must start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters and a dash (-). Examples:

  • -> bob-smith
  • -> julia-smith-demo

In the event of a username or reserved word collision, the system will append sequentially incrementing integers to the username to ensure uniqueness.

Newly-provisioned users can access any public repositories in your private BSR instance. As on the public BSR, organization owners can manually add users to their organizations to share access to an organization's private repositories.

  • If you want to have all users who login to your instance automatically added to an organization with a specific role, please reach out to us to configure this for you.

  • If you would like to map organization membership to security groups in your Identity Provider, then please use automated organization membership provisioning.

Provisioning administrative users

Private BSR instances provide special privileges for administrator accounts to configure and manage various aspects of your BSR instance. During the setup of your BSR instance you'll be asked which account to designate as a server administrator. At this time, administrator privileges can only be granted by Buf engineers, so please reach out if you need additional administrative users.

Deactivating users

Unlike the public BSR at, private BSR users cannot delete themselves. Instead, the enterprise BSR requires server administrators to deactivate user accounts. Deactivating a user revokes all of their outstanding tokens and permissions, locking them out of the BSR web interface and CLI. A deactivated user's resources such as repositories, plugins, and configuration files won't be deleted.

Using the admin panel

User deactivation is a manual process using the admin panel—if your BSR domain is then it be available at

Using the BSR API

Users can also be deactivated by issuing API commands directly:

  1. Create an API token from your user settings page.
  2. Export BUF_TOKEN, USERNAME_TO_DEACTIVATE and PRIVATE_BSR_HOSTNAME according to your details.
  3. Get the userID:
    $ curl \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUF_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "{\"username\":\"${USERNAME_TO_DEACTIVATE}\"}" \
  4. Extract the returned, export it as USER_ID and use it to deactivate the user:
    $ curl \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUF_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "{\"id\":\"${USER_ID}\"}" \


You can also deactivate users by removing them from your identity provider if you've connected it to the BSR. See the SCIM documentation for setup details.

Permanent account deletion

If you require permanent account deletion, please reach out for assistance.

Automated organization membership provisioning

If you want to have all users that login to your instance automatically added to an organization with a specific role, then please reach out to us to configure this for you.

If you use security groups at your organization and your IdP supports exposing the set of groups a user belongs to in the SAML assertion/OIDC ID token, you can map those groups to BSR Organizations. The BSR will automatically enroll/un-enroll users as members as your IdP groups change.

To configure this, contact Support or your Buf representative with the name of the SAML Assertion attribute/OIDC ID Token claim that will contain a user's groups. Then follow the steps below to map or unmap your IdP groups to the BSR.


Once this is configured, all user tokens from the IdP must contain group information. Any user for whom groups information is not provided will be unable to login to the BSR.

Map a security group to a BSR Organization

To map a security group to a BSR Organization, you must issue an API command directly with a user who has administrative permissions on the organization:

  1. Create an API token from your user settings page.
  2. Export BUF_TOKEN, GROUP_NAME, ORGANIZATION_NAME and PRIVATE_BSR_HOSTNAME according to your details.
  3. Get the organization ID:
    $ curl \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUF_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "{\"name\":\"${ORGANIZATION_NAME}\"}" \
  4. Extract the returned, export it as ORGANIZATION_ID and use it to map the group:
    $ curl \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUF_TOKEN}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "{\"organization_id\":\"${ORGANIZATION_ID}\", \"group_name\":\"${GROUP_NAME}\"}" \
  5. Ask your employees to logout/login for changes to take effect.

Unmap a security group to a BSR Organization

To unmap a group, issue the same commands, except in the final step invoke RemoveOrganizationGroup instead.

$ curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUF_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{\"organization_id\":\"${ORGANIZATION_ID}\", \"group_name\":\"${GROUP_NAME}\"}" \

Members do not need to logout or login when a group is removed—they are removed from the organization immediately.