Buf Schema Registry

Audit logs


This information only applies to organizations on the Pro and Enterprise plans.

Your private BSR instance records certain events and actions that happen in the server and allows server administrators to query them. This allows administrators to satisfy security, traceability, accountability, policy, and compliance needs, among others.

Audit events

Each audited event answers the question of what happened, when it happened, who did the action, which resource was affected, and sometimes includes an additional payload and metadata. An audited event looks like this:

message Event {
  // Unique id of the audited event.
  string event_id = 1;
  // Type of the audited event. It specifies "what" happened.
  EventType type = 2;
  // Actor of the audited event. It specifies "who" did it.
  Actor actor = 3;
  // Resource of the audited event. It specifies "which resource" was affected.
  Resource resource = 4;
  // Time of the audited event. It specifies "when" it happened.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp event_time = 5;
  // Metadata about the audited event. It specifies additional details about the audited event.
  EventMetadata metadata = 6;
  oneof payload {
    // ... specific payload details depending on the event type.

See the audit API docs for details about the supported payloads.

For both Actors and Resources, each one holds its Type, ID and Name, making the payload of the event sometimes unnecessary.

Actor types are either User events or System events. If the actor is a User, which it is in most scenarios, the metadata include its User Agent, IP and internal Trace ID for further investigation and debugging.

Resource types can be one of User, Organization, Organization Member, Repository, Repository Contributor, Repository Commit, or Plugin.

Currently, the BSR audits most events that result in mutations to the data it manages. That includes changes to resources like Users, Organizations, and Repository permissions to name a few. The complete list of audited events, associated payloads, and their respective type specifications can be found in the BSR's schema documentation. Treat it as a living document, since it will grow to keep pace with new BSR features as they're released.

For more in-depth descriptions of each event type, see the event details section.

Querying audit events

An administrator can access the BSR's audit logs by using the ListAuditedEvents RPC. This endpoint currently supports filtering events by time period and result pagination.

Listing Audit Events using Buf Studio

Audit event details

User Events

These events have a User as an affected resource.

User CreatedUser creates an account in the BSR server.
User DeactivatedBSR admin accounts are able to deactivate Users’ accounts. In that scenario, an UserDeactivated event is logged.
User DeletedDepending on the BSR instance configuration, Users might be able to self-delete their accounts. BSR administrators can also force-delete BSR users. In both scenarios, the user deletion event is logged.
User Logged InBSR logs an UserLoggedIn event in three scenarios: (1) User authenticated/logged in via SAML (their account is auto provisioned in the system). (2) User logged in via SSO (OAuth/OIDC) and already had a registered account. (3) User logged in via SSO (OAuth/OIDC) and then registers an account (we only log the event if the user follows through with the account registration).
User Logged OutUser manually logs out of the server.

Organization Events

These events have either an Organization or an Organization Member as an affected resource. BSR Organizations can have multiple members, with different access roles.

Organization CreatedOrganizationAn Organization was created in the BSR.
Organization DeletedOrganizationAn Organization was deleted from the BSR.
Organization Member AddedOrganization MemberA User was added to an Organization with a certain role. The Organization details and new role are logged.
Organization Member RemovedOrganization MemberA User was removed from an Organization. The Organization details and old role are logged.
Organization Member Role ChangedOrganization MemberA User that is already an Organization Member was set a different role. The Organization details, old and new roles are logged.

Repository Events

These events have either a Repository, Repository Contributor, or Repository Commit as the affected resource. BSR Repositories can have multiple contributors, with different access roles. BSR Repositories have public or private visibility.

Repository CreatedRepositoryA Repository was created in the BSR. The Owner details and visibility are logged.
Repository DeletedRepositoryA Repository was deleted from the BSR. The Owner details and visibility are logged.
Repository Visibility ChangedRepositoryA Repository changed its visibility in the BSR. The Owner details, old visibility and new visibility are logged.
Repository Commit PushedRepository CommitA Repository Commit was pushed to the BSR. The Owner and Repository details, along with the label name (if any) are logged.
Repository Contributor AddedRepository ContributorA User was added to a Repository with a certain role. The Owner and Repository details, and Contributor new role are logged.
Repository Contributor RemovedRepository ContributorA User was removed from a Repository. The Owner and Repository details, and Contributor old role are logged.
Repository Contributor Role ChangedRepository ContributorA User that is already a Repository Contributor was set a different role. The Owner and Repository details, and Contributor old and new roles are logged.

Plugin Events

These events have a Plugin as the affected resource.

Plugin CreatedA Plugin was created in the BSR.
Plugin DeletedA Plugin was deleted from the BSR.