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Manage instances

This feature is only available on the Enterprise plan.

Instances are the top-level namespace of the BSR's Confluent Schema Registry integration, which can be used to group related schemas. All users within your BSR have read access to all configured instances and their registered schemas.

Create an instance

Only BSR server administrators can create a Confluent Schema Registry instance. To create an instance:

  1. Log into the BSR as a server administrator and navigate to the Admin panel via the dropdown under your username in the top right corner.

  2. Select Confluent integration in the left side menu.

    Confluent Schema Registry instance admin UI

  3. Click the Create CSR Instance button, then input a unique name and click Create.

    Create Confluent Schema Registry instance modal

  4. After you create the instance, note the name and URL for when you register schemas and configure clients.

    Confluent Schema Registry instance name and API URL

Delete an instance


Deleting an instance is permanent! All subjects and schemas registered to the instance will be immediately removed and inaccessible from the Confluent Schema Registry's API.

Only BSR server administrators can delete a Confluent Schema Registry instance. To delete an instance:

  1. Log into the BSR as a server administrator and navigate to the Admin panel via the dropdown under your username in the top right corner.

  2. Select Confluent integration in the left side menu.

  3. Click the three dots next to the instance, and select Delete CSR instance.

    Confluent Schema Registry delete button

  4. Confirm the deletion by entering the instance name and clicking Delete.

    Confluent Schema Registry delete modal