Buf Schema Registry (BSR)

Manage organizations

An organization allows you to collaborate with others on a shared set of Protobuf files. Once you've set up the organization, you can add other Buf users as members and assign roles to them that give specific permissions to change the organization itself and the underlying resources. See Managing members for more information about roles and how to assign them.

Create organization

To create a new organization, sign in to the Buf Schema Registry, click on Show all under the "Your organization" section, and then select Create Organization.


When setting up a new organization, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • The organization name must be unique and between 3 and 32 characters in length. It can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens (-).
  • You have the option to link an organization URL later in the repository settings.
  • You can also provide a description of the organization, which can be up to 350 characters in length.
  • Additionally, you can provide an organization logo to make the org memorable and identifiable.

Organization names cannot be changed without deleting and recreating the organization and all its contents. Please choose the name carefully.

Delete organization

Deleting the organization is a permanent action, and cannot be undone. You must first delete all repositories and plugins owned by the organization.

Buf Schema Registry URLs

User settings


User profile


Organization profile


Members of an organization


Organizations a user belongs to


Module repository


Repository documentation


Repository code


Repository Generated SDKs


Repository activity


Generated documentation for a specific reference


Generated SDKs for a specific reference
